They are already 13 years old. How their fate turned out and how the world’s first eight-year-olds and their mother look like today

January 26, 2022 marks the 13th anniversary of the most famous case of eight babies who managed to survive birth. They were six boys and two girls who were born in the United States on January 26, 2009 via C-section. Their mother, 34-year-old Nadia Suleman, was already raising six children, having become a mom of 14 without the support of a father.

All of Suleman’s children were born through IVF, and she claims she was misled by her doctor who transferred 12 embryos.

As a result, the doctor was disbarred for ethical violations, and Suleman’s case led to stricter scrutiny of IVF in the United States.

Nadia was nicknamed «Octomom» and became an object of both negativity and admiration. Despite the difficulties, she claims that she loves her children and did not give birth to them for the sake of fame or money, although she tried to earn money on reality shows and other projects.

Today, the Suleman family lives modestly, but not in poverty. Nadia actively uses social media to publish photos of her eight babies, promoting a healthy lifestyle and veganism.

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